How to do an Annual Review and Set Goals You Will Smash

There are just three steps you need to smash your annual goals:

  • Complete an annual review

  • Set the right goals

  • Keep your goals visible.

These steps are explained in more detail below.

Annual Review

Before setting goals, reflect on the current year; this reflection will inform your goal setting. Approach your review as a journalling activity; you can use pen and paper, a blank document on your computer, or dictate your responses to your mobile. 

First, review your progress on any goals you set for this year.

After that, strategically review aspects of your life - consider these as your life categories. For example:

  • Health and fitness

  • Work and business

  • Friends and community

  • Personal life and family

  • Learning and knowledge

  • Travel and culture

  • Hobbies and creativity

  • Emotions and spirituality

  • Money and finance

Use the Ness Labs plus, minus, next method to review each life category. Spend three minutes on each category - one minute identifying what went well (plus), one minute on what didn’t (minus) and one minute on what your next steps could be (next).

Then reflect on:

  • your proudest accomplishments of the year and

  • your biggest challenges.

All of this information informs your goal setting.

Goal Setting

Now, set your goals.

Make your goals specific and realistic (but not easy - there should be some stretch). Ensure your goals are evidence-informed (the evidence being your annual review).

Try not to set too many goals - three to five is the sweet spot. 

In his bestselling book, Atomic Habits, James Clear recommends focusing on systems rather than goals. He explains, “Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that lead to those results”. Once you have chosen your goals, break them into action steps and identify underpinning systems, processes, and resources you will need to achieve them. 

Consider setting a word of the year (or a short phrase) to remind you of your top priority. 


Visibility is essential for achieving your goals - otherwise, you will forget them. One of the best ways to keep your goals visible is through a weekly review process. Reviewing your goals weekly keeps them at the top of your mind. 

If you have chosen a word of the year, there are many ways to keep it visible. For example, you could create a digital wallpaper featuring your word for your mobile devices and computer or buy a piece of jewellery and engrave it with your word. 

Want More?

Get my Set and Smash Your Annual Goals Masterclass.

Set and Smash Your Annual Goals Masterclass
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✓ Templates: Google Docs, MS Word, Notion, and Markdown
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